International supplier of printing machinery

This page of our “data” section is for two colour sheetfed presses of various makes.
If a machine appears to be appropriate, check for availability by using the blue navigation buttons to the left. If we do not have the right model in stock, please tell us that you are looking for one; our team can then make a special effort to find one for you.

Despite our best efforts, we can not guarantee the accuracy of the information in the following tables, as the data supplied to us may only be approximate. If you do find any apparent inaccuracy, please let us know.

Two colour offset presses

Model Maximum
sheet size
per hour
Plate size mm
Heidelberg SORSZ
72 x 102 389 261 214 10,210 12,000
SM 102 ZP
72 x 102 621 290 217 17,360 12,000
SM 102-2P
72 x 102 644 331 217 17,980 15,000
CD 102 Z+L
72 x 102 217 15,000
Heidelberg SORDZ
64 X 91.5 363 245 214 9,000 12,000
Heidelberg SORMZ
52 x 74 363 228 214 8,100 12,000
SM 74-2
52 x 74 557 276 186 14,995 15,000
SM 72 ZP
52 x 72 560 276 186 13,190 12,000
Heidelberg MOZ-S
48 x 65 404 245 179 6,840 12,000 550×650
Heidelberg MOZPS
48 x 65 404 245 179 7,140 12,000 550×650
SM 52-2
37 x 52 286 185 162 4,800 15,000
Printmaster GTO 52-2
37 x 52 286 185 162 4,800 15,000
GTO 52-2
36 x 52 219 145 155 2,600 12,000
GTO Z 52
36 x 52 219 145 155 2,600 8,000
Quickmaster QM 46-2
34 x 46 150 127 153 830 10,000
Printmaster QM 46-2
34 x 46 156 127 153 1,030 10,000
GTO Z 46
32 x 46 190 155 1,700 8,000
Lithrone 228
52 x 74 493 261 179 8,000 15,000
Lithrone 226
50.8 x 66 493 255 179 7,500 15,000
Miller TP 104-2
72 x 104 642 310 218 13,920 13,000
Miller TP 94-2
65 x 94 596 298 196 10,100 10,000
Miller TP 36 S-2
65 x 92 470 267 190 10,550
Miller TP 74-2
52 x 74 481 256 186 8,450 13,000
Miller TP29 S
52 x 74 481 256 189 8,450 13,000
Roland R802-6
100×140 846 455 290 30,650 11,000
Roland R702P
74 x 102 814 345 214 22,600 12,000
Roland RZK 3B
72 x 102 628 313 197 15,100 10,000
Roland RO2 TOB
52 x 74 234 218 188 6,100 12,000
Roland RZF OB
52 x 72 504 252 197 8,600 10,000
Roland PRZOO
36 x 52 264 239 173 4,776 10,000
Ryobi 522 HXX
36.5 x 52 259 220 166 3,400 13,000
Ryobi 3302
34 x 46 233 96.5 156 1,330 10,000
Sakurai Oliver 272
52 x 72 468 246 186 8,000 10,000
Sakurai Oliver 258E
45 x 58 313 189 179 5,000 12,000
Sakurai Oliver 252
36 x 52 313 186 179 5,000 10,000
Shinohara 52 IIP
37 x 52 269 175 166 3,900 12,000
Solna 225
48 x 64 281 246 180 3450